COVID- 19 popularly known as Coronavirus is spreading at alarming rates worldwide. Even though it is not rampant in India right now it is still a growing threat and must not be taken lightly. At this point the safety of our customers, driver-partners and their families is critical. To do our bit we are educating our driver partners about the basic do’s and don’ts to help prevent the spread. We are doing everything we can to protect you, here’s what you can do to protect yourself! Isn’t prevention always better than cure!
- Wash hands frequently: With soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer for at least 20 seconds. Make sure you cover all parts of your hands such as the back of your hand, under the nails, in between fingers etc. This helps prevent possible contraction.
- Cover your nose and mouth: With a tissue while sneezing and coughing. Keep your hands away from your face especially your eyes, nose and mouth as a precautionary habit as the virus spreads in the form of minute invisible droplets. Also, ensure that the tissues are thrown in closed bins.
- Maintain social distance: From people. Also avoid public gatherings such as parties, meetings etc. Stay home as much as you can. Self-quarantine is key to slowing the spread of the virus. Avoid physical contact such as hugs, handshakes etc as this is a quick way to contract/spread the virus.
- Go cashless: Avoid touching anything circulated publicly such as cash which may be a medium of transmission.
- Go see a doctor immediately: If you feel any symptoms of a cold such a dry cough, high temperature or difficulty in breathing. Please call the clinic/hospital beforehand to give them a chance to prepare for the test. The government has issued state-wise helpline numbers to help.Central Helpline Number for corona-virus: – +91-11-23978046
Please take care of each other. Remember that you protect yourself by protecting others so take the necessary measures to do so. Let’s fight this together and come out the other side stronger!