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Are the customer's goods insured by Porter?


No the goods are not insured. Our rates do not include any charges towards insurance. But the customer should take insurance for goods being shipped.

Can a customer purchase an insurance on Porter's platform?


We do not offer this facility as of now.

What is the process in case of damage/loss/theft of goods?


If the customer has taken an insurance for his shipment, the customer has to inform us that he / she wishes to lodge an insurance claim and the next steps as advised by his Insurer. If required we can help in the survey process initiated by the Insurer of the customer. We can provide a Certificate of Facts, which is an important document for claiming the insurance.

In case of damage or theft to the customer's goods or theft during the trip, what is the liability from Porter's side?


PORTER does not take any liability for the goods being shipped unless it is established with a conclusive evidence, that the damage or theft was due to reckless driving. Only in such cases, after the evidence is shared with us, as per law, the transporter's liability is restricted to the lower of:

  1. value of goods damaged; OR
  2. ten times the freight amount paid or payable,

unless a higher risk rate has been charged and agreed to be paid by the Customer. We do not charge a risk rate and our billable rates are purely a factor of utilization of the vehicle (distance + time) without factoring any of the insurable risks or the value of goods being transported. We accept the goods for shipments on said to contain basis. We would recommend to exercise extreme caution in case of transporting extremely fragile / flammable goods or goods which are prone to damage while transporting. If you have any doubts regarding the goods that may be transported on our platform, please refer to our Terms of service or may kindly get in touch with us on 4410 4410.